North Country Inn - Furano Furano
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Hi Lee,

Just to say we had a great time in Furano, it was fabulous for the skiing and for our first taste of Japan.  We certainly want to return and to see more of Japan as well.  Thank you to you and all the staff at North Country for making our stay so pleasant.  We had and 'interresting' journey home.  The road to Sapporro was very icy so it took us an hour longer than coming and then all the flights has been cancelled or delayed at New Chitose because of a snow storm the night before and high winds all day.  There were people camped all over the place.  As we were not due to leave Tokyo till late we still made our flight home but a lot of people missed their connections to Sydney and elsewhere.  However you can't have good skiing without lots of snow so these things have to be expected.
Again, thank you for an enjoyable time - now it's back to real life again!

Rosemary and Kader

Sarinya Piamsilpa- Singapore

Hi Brad and front desk team,

I came back to work as normal already.
Just want to let you know that me and my husband really appreciate for your
kind assistance and warm hospitality during our stay.
I really impress on the way you correspond with various customer's requests
and resolve several issues with calmness and show the true intention to
assist them.

May be you can share some tricks on what is your inspiration to keep you
calm with a  happy  smile event some customer has a high demanding and
Cause, I myself need to handle those type of customer as well for some
consultant projects.

Anyway, have a wonderful day and take some rest to enjoy life sometime OK?



